Friday, August 5, 2011


I love eating yummy treats! Who doesn't though? I found an old recipe for homemade brownies that I haven't made in a few years. I was excited to whip them up and reminisce in the deliciousness. We bought a popcorn maker a few weeks ago. One of our favorite treats to whip up on a laid back- lazy- movie watching- day is a big bowl of freshly popped popcorn. We make kettle corn most of the time.
I will miss these laid back, yummy treat eating, summer days!
I'm most definitely not ready, or the least bit excited, for school to start back up again.

Marshall was playing with a cousins when we made this yummy popcorn treat, so we missed snapping photos of his cute little face! :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Madison! Love, Mommy!

Last week we celebrated Madison turning 5! She turned 5 on July 25TH! I can't believe that she is already 5! Here are a few words for my big 5 year old girl!

Dear Madison,
I love you so much! You bring such a brightness to everything and everyone that surrounds you. You have a one of a kind personality, and for that you will shine throughout your life and go far. I am blessed and grateful to be your mother. You mean the world to me. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. You have taught me so much about life. You are a leader. You will be a great teacher to those around you, including myself. You are such a wonderful daughter and sister. You look out for those around you. You defend those who you think need defended. You have an amazing and beautiful voice that you use to sing almost constantly. I know you will go far with your voice. You are a beautiful daughter of God who loves you very much. You will grow up to be an amazing woman. Thanks for putting continuous smile on my face. Happy 5th birthday Mady. Your family loves you very very much!
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be!

With love,

I know, I have ADORABLE kids! :)
I just love Mady's silly facial expressions!

Mady opening her first present from us

I let her open this gift from us so she could wear one of these hair bows for her party.

The princess castle birthday cake, compliments of Mom's hard work ;)

Can't have a party without something good to drink!

I love how much fun Mady is having!

Another silly facial expression from the silly princess, LOL!

Playing the water balloon toss with towels. The water balloons were a big hit!

Aren't my little twin sisters so gorgeous? I think so, too! :)

Mady opening her presents!
A Princess Tiana barbie from Aunt Cody and Cousins Weston, Shyanne, and Dakota

A backpack filled with fun stuff from Grandma and Grandpa Kouns

Some princess books from cousins Coy and Dax

A barbie, a makeup kit, and a movie from us

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Madison, Happy Birthday to YOU!!

It was too windy. The candles blew out before Mady could get to them......

So..... we had her blow them out inside

Mady wanted to hug her cake :)

Mady blowing bubbles!
I love how some of her reflection is showing in the fridge.

And last but not least..... Mady putting on her makeup. That was the only thing she asked for her birthday.

Isn't she so good at it?

Ta-da! The finished product!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Mady! We enjoyed spending your birthday with you!
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
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