Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goodbye January

January was a fun month. I am not liking this cold weather though. My skin is not liking it either. My hands feel like sandpaper; they are constantly cracked, dry, and bleeding. My poor 2 year old has eczema, so her skin has been awful as well. So, lots of lotion, and medicine for the skin here. I am not anxious for the blazing hot summer, but I am anxious for the spring weather....... the 2 weeks of spring weather that we actually get in Utah ;)
A great accomplish this month: My 2 year old is potty trained. I have always said that I will not have a kid that is 3, and still in diapers. We just barely made it in time. She turns 3 next week. She has been potty trained for a few weeks now. BONUS: She stays dry through the night, too. She is so excited to officially be a "Big Girl" She asks me almost daily, "Am I 3 yet?" It has been over 7 years since I have not had to change diapers. I tried to add up one night approximately how many diapers I have changed over the course of motherhood thus far. I can't remember the number, but it was a butt load.... literally ;)
We hope you are all enjoying this new year.

Courtney put her coat on upside down, lol

All snuggled up watching movies

In his favorite spot.... by the heater

On New Years Day we went to Temple Square to explore, and see all the beautiful lights.

This Temple is so special to me. All the temples are, but this one has a special place in my heart. It will always remain special to me. I thought it would be harder for me to see this temple after everything, but it was such a wonderful experience to go there again.

This photo just makes me laugh. She is all bundled up though. It was about 6 degrees out that night. Extremely cold. We spent most of our time in the visitors center. We saw the Joseph Smith movie, and then when we were brave enough, we went outside to see the beautiful lights. It was a quick stroll.

I was able to meet up with some old friends of mine from Job Corps. We had dinner together at Tucanos. It was so great to see them. I hadn't seen them for 9 years. Wow, time sure does fly.

I stayed up one night folding the mountains of laundry that kept piling up in the front room. Ben puts the laundry in the washer/dryer, and I fold the laundry, and put away. Well..... he was keeping up on his part, all the while I was slacking on mine. I will not go down in the basement here (if that's what you can even call it) and that is where the washer/dryer is located. So, Ben does it. Thank goodness. Needless to say, I'm a chicken. Want to hear a weird fact about me? I'm still scared of the dark. I'm a great big baby. ;)

I just had to throw this one in here. My 4 year old daughter was convinced that the girl in this photo was me. I'm not quite sure who she is. I just thought it was funny that my daughter was convinced. LOL. Kids.... gotta love em. They are too darn funny. :)

Goodbye January


Megan Mendez said...

HAHAHA u crazy girl that is Khloe Kardashian!! HAHA i can see it a little. but I love reading you blogg...ur a good blogger. I need to get a camera so I can do pics. Well I am promising that we will get together soon. I am just tryin to get things settled here and than I will be able to relax and enjoy. THanks for the kinds words on my post. I appriciate it. And thanks for the invite, but I dont do the whole church thing. But good luck and I am sure it will be great. Tlk to you soon.

Rachel said...

I love the pic of Cort! Too cute:)

Jamie said...

@ Rachel- I so know! So funny, huh! This picture makes me laugh everytime I see it. Her face is just so squishy in it. It makes me just wanna reach out, and kiss it! :)

@ Megs- Thanks sweets! I'm glad you like my blog. :) I love blogging. I has been my passion lately. I actually have 2 blogs. I started a more personable blog after a couple of people recommended for me to do it. When I'm ready to go public with it, I will let you know, and you can follow me on there, too. (Wow, I think I just went comma crazy in that last sentence.)
Anytime you want to get together just give me a call. I miss your sweet face!
PS. I still have no clue who Khloe Kardashian is. She's pretty though!

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