Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011!

We had a wonderful Christmas together! Christmas came and went so fast. We still have our tree up. I know, sad..... I'm considering just making paper hearts and putting them on the tree so it can be a valentine tree.... KIDDING!! It's coming down today or tomorrow. I want it down before Marshall's baptism this Saturday.
Here is our Christmas in pictures. I took so many pictures Christmas day. It would have taken forever to upload them all, so I'm just including some of their faves.

Santa came! The girls LOVE LOVE LOVE their new dollhouse. It has taken it's new residence in our living room. One day we'll find another place for it's home.... like in the girl's bedroom, but for now it remains downstairs.

Madison looking through her stocking stuff

Courtney looking through her stocking stuff

Marshall wearing his candy necklace from his stocking.
Do you see the picture of me on the tree in the background? My Husband saw it on the floor one day in December and put it on the tree. He's so silly.

Santa even brought a gift for our baby girl who is due this March. Isn't Santa so thoughtful? I think so, too! :)

The girls mobigos (so fun) and Marshall's double light sabers (so cool)

Marshall's Nintendo 3DS bundle with Super Mario 3D Land!

Courtney's new big girl bike!

Madison's Easy Bake Oven (She hearts it and I do too)!

Courtney's paint/chalkboard!

Madison's magnetic paper princess doll set!

Marshall's new pants. He's been complaining of his other pants being "floaties". I think they were fine, but what do Mom's know? ;) These are his new favorite pants.
Courtney has a walmart gift card, and Madison has some new pajamas.

I love this picture. Ben holding the girls and some of his new gifts.

Here is the aftermath of the morning. Most of the wrapping paper had been picked up at this point.
I wrapped Marshall's new gloves in that empty tide box. When he opened the gift I told him that we got him laundry soap so he can start doing his own laundry from then on. He didn't fall for it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas!

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