Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day, and an update on my pregnancy!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!.... Well almost.
This year St. Patrick's Day falls on a Saturday, so we are going to have some fun. I'm going to make a fun St. Patrick's Day dinner. (unless the baby decides she wants to change plans by making us rush to the hospital tomorrow so she can be our St. Patrick's day gift!)

On our menu:

Main Course
15 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta

For the recipe, click HERE!
I may add a little extra green color to it.

Green Pudding Dessert

For the recipe, click HERE!

Leprechaun Floats

Green Sherbet and Sprite!

I have never made any of these recipes, so I hope they all turn out!
Recipes courtesy of pinterest.


So, I'm 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant!
Ben, the kids, and I are so ready to have this baby in our arms! We can't wait!
I was dilated to a 1, 75% effaced, and a -2 station on Friday, March 2nd. I was 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant then.
I was dilated to a 2, 75% effaced, and a -1 station on Monday, March 12th. I was 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant then. On March 13th I was checked again and was still the same as the previous day.
My next appointment is this upcoming Monday, March 19th, so I'm anxious to see if my body is progressing and preparing for labor even more.
I lost most of my mucus plug 2 days ago and the rest yesterday.
I took the girls for a mile bike ride yesterday while I walked along side of them. Marshall was at school. That evening, Ben, the kids, and I went for another walk. We walked a mile. People have told me, "walk, walk, walk", so walk, walk, walk is what I did. No progress today.
If she were to be born today, March 16th,  this is how far along I was with Marshall when he was born. If she comes on March 20th, I will be as far along as I was when Madison was born. If she comes on March 24th, I will be as far along as I was when Courtney was born. No baby thus far though, so we continue to wait, some days more patiently than others. We just want her to be healthy and ready when she makes her arrival.
I can't wait to hold her precious little body in my warm, loving arms, and kiss her rosy red, soft little cheeks, and smell her sweet, fragrant baby smell.
My baby is 4 years old now, so it will be an adjustment to get back into the diaper stage and baby stage again, but we can't wait!
Our kids ages now are 8, 5, and 4. We have 1 boy and 2 girls; soon to be 3 girls when our little one gets here. We most definitely have our hands full, but we sure do love it and we consider ourselves so blessed.
My body hurts and it's hard to breath at times, sleep at night, and roll over when I'm laying down. Shaving is an adventure and a workout in itself. It is all worth it. I just hope she doesn't make me wait to go in to labor until her due date or after that. I don't want to be induced. I want to see when she wants to make her appearance into this world.
Ben painted my toenails for me the other night because it's hard for me to bend my body and breath at the same time. He's so cute and sweet. I love him to pieces.
The kids are just ecstatic that their little sister could be born any moment now. They absolutely cannot wait to kiss and love on her. :) They are attached to my stomach. They touch it and kiss it constantly. It is so cute! At times it gets too much though and I have to make them take a break from my stomach for a bit. That seems to be torture for them. I love my kids to pieces.
I think I am basically as ready as I'm going to be for her to get here. The hospital bags are packed and ready to go. I've done a bajillion loads of laundry. We have done countless hours of cleaning and organizing. We have all of her clothes washed and put away. We have all of her things bought, and all of her things washed. All that needs to be set up is her swing, but we are going to wait until she comes home to set it up. The girls think her things are their toys for their dollies. :)

Next post:
Courtney's 4th Birthday!!
I can't believe my baby is already 4. It is bitter-sweet. She is such a fun girl, but is growing up way too fast. I am definitely a blessed Mommy!

1 comment:

Nat said...

Can't wait to *meet* your new little gal! :)

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