Monday, March 25, 2013

Picture and letter from Madison

This evening while I was baking Myriam's birthday cake, Mady and Courtney were busy at the table making crafts for me. Mady drew me a pretty picture of her and I. She delicately wrapped it in between 2 papers she had colored, and had me open it. I love it! It now adorns my refrigerator. I never saw the one Courtney drew for me. She must have gotten preoccupied. :)

Madison also wrote me a letter. This is what it said:

By Miss Madison
Mom please forgive me for all the times I have been bad. Thank you for all you have done for me. Don't forget me. I love you and I know you love me. Even when I say I hate you I am just mad at you. I am sorry.

Madison's tiny little hands wrote the letter. On the original letter, every word may not have correct spelling, the sentences may be hard to read by others but, for me, it is absolutely perfect. I love it, and I love her.
I am not quite sure where she picked up the "I hate you" for those occasions when she gets realllly mad at me. However, I am positive she will outgrow that.
I am honored that Madison and Courtney took time out of their day to do these sweet things for me. I love my children so much, and I know they love me too.

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